Adopted July 18, 2001
As amended through April 22, 2020
PLEASE NOTE: The Town of Wayne Zoning Ordinance may be amended by ordinance
of the Wayne Town Board at any time. Please contact the Wayne Town Clerk to verify
zoning regulations in effect on your property.
Assistance Provided by:
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
W239 N1812 Rockwood Drive
P.O. Box 1607
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1607
Click the links below to download the needed section of the book
Land Divisions and Development In the Town of Wayne
This is intended and provided as information for parties who wish to divide land.It does not supercede or replace the statutes and ordinances, but is intended as a helpful guide.We wish to preserve and protect the rural character and scenic beauty of the Town of Wayne.
Land division is a prerogative of the property owner.Realtors and prospective buyers are important parties to the transaction, but the Town of Wayne prefers the property owner of record be a party to any meetings or discussions.Land division involves long term planning.The Town of Wayne wishes to address all divisions contemplated on a parcel for a five year period.Creation of more than two lots on a parcel in a five year period requires submission of a master concept plan for the parcel and any contiguous lands owned by the property owner.Generally plans involving more than two lots will require residential zoning.The Town of Wayne may require cluster development on a given parcel.
Each proposed lot must have access to a public road.Generally the Town of Wayne is not in favor of designs that merely use the existing road frontage.In most circumstances it is appropriate to consider adding additional public roadways as part of the concept plan.This becomes more critical the larger the parcel.Roadway planning usually involves planning to link to future roadways as opposed to creating many cul de sacs.
Each proposed lot must provide for a sanitary sewer and test borings approved appropriately must be a part of any map the Town approves.
Lots must generally follow no more than 2:1, have 175 feet of road frontage except on curves and cul de sacs and we do not allow flag lots.The property owner is responsible for the cost of developing the property and developer’s agreements must be in place and letters of credit to support the costs as calculated by the town engineer must be in force before any construction may commence.Designs must provide for stormwater management as appropriate.
Typical fees to be borne by the landowner and/or developer will include:
-Inspection fees for safe roadway access
-Legal Fees
-Engineering Fees
-Hearing Fees
-Publication Fees
-CSM and Plat review fees
-Recording Fees
-Park Fees
-Permit Fees
It is the intent of the Town the landowner and/or developer bear the full cost of creating the infrastructure.After the infrastructure is created to standards and accepted by the town,the Town will bear the long term routine maintenance costs for roads.
Plans must be submitted timely and in writing.Plans are submitted to the planning commission for a recommendation for action by the Town board. The calendar for submissions is as follows:
The Town Board meets the Third Wednesday of the Month after the Plan Commission meeting.
The Plan Commission meets the Third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Information for the consideration of the planning commission must be submitted two Fridays prior to the Plan Commission Meeting.
Items which require publication prior to action must meet the following calendar.
In order for the Town to act on an item requiring publication you must submit the materials and pay the fees three weeks before the Plan Commission Meeting.
Decisions are made by the Town Board which is not bound by the recommendations of the planning commission.The Town of Wayne will provide answers to specific questions about specific parcels or proposals in a public forum at an official meeting where minutes are kept.Such meetings will follow a duly published agenda which will limit the issues to be discussed.
The ordinances and regulations are available for purchase, for inspection by appointment, and at the public library in West Bend and Kewaskum.
Subdividers are requested to install iron posts at the corners of the lots and leave the posts in place until the lots are sold and the driveways are in.
If you wish to access a county road you must contact the Washington County Highway Department.
If you wish to access a State road contact:
Andrew A. Malsom
Access Management Engineer
Systems Planning
WisDOT SE Region
141 NW Barstow ST
Waukesha, WI 53187
The Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance are available in the West Bend Public Library and the Kewaskum Public Library.
SE WI Regional Land Information is a great resource.