2012 Annual Report
Town of Wayne, Wisconsin
6030 Mohawk Road, Campbellsport, WI 53010
(262) 626-4818 FAX 262-626-1958
email: waynetown@netwurx.net
Web Page: www.townofwayne.org
The town board decided to distribute the report by making it available on the Town of Wayne web site, and having copies available at the town hall.
Carl Klemme, Chairman 262-626-4592 Julie A. Kriewaldt, Clerk 262-629-9199
Mike Samann, Supervisor Robert Schulteis, Supervisor Gerald Schulz, Treasurer
Carl Klemme, Chairman Mike Samann, Supervisor Robert Schulteis, Supervisor
Citizen Members:
Nick Hesprich Keith Ellenbecker Jon Etta Art Filber
Julie A. Kriewaldt, Planning Secretary
Gordon Hoffman, Zoning Administrator, Building Permits 262-677-2270
Grota Appraisals Assessor 262-253-1142 FAX 262-253-4098 www.GrotaAppraisals.com
Kieth Kriewaldt, Culvert Inspector 262-629-9199
Bill Rate Weed, Commissioner
Stan Riffle, Attorney
Regular Town Board meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Planning commission meetings are held the Tuesday immediately preceding the date of the town board meeting. Special meetings are called as needed. The final agenda for any meeting is available 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. Official agendas are posted in the 3 public posting places for the Town of Wayne:
Meeting agendas are also posted on the town web site. The web site contains the fee schedule.
The planning commission advises the town board on matters of land use, land divisions and zoning. If you wish to bring a matter before the planning commission, contact the town clerk. Information is also available on the town’s web page. Certain issues require public hearings and/or public notice. Notice requirements and the timing of submissions for publication effect the date you may appear on the agenda. The Town of Wayne does not have an official newspaper but if state statues require publications it will be in The Statesman. Conditional use permits require a separate application and payment of a fee. The Zoning Ordinance and Land Division Ordinance for the Town of Wayne are available at the public library in West Bend or Kewaskum. Questions may also be addressed to the Building Inspector, Gordon Hoffman at 272-677-2270. His office hours are 7 am to noon Monday thru Friday; Mr. Hoffman is usually available 7a.m.until 9 am.
The Transfer station is located at the Town Hall. The Transfer station is open Saturdays 8a.m. to 3p.m. and during Daylight Savings time also Wednesdays 5p.m. to 7p.m. Nothing can be dropped off when it is closed. Below is a current price list:
$ 3 per large clear bag
$ 4 per non-clear bag
$ 4 per large garbage can
¼ full $2 per barrel
½ full $4 per barrel
Full barrel $6 per barrel
$10 per truck tire
$35 per tractor tire
$ 3 per motorcycle tire
$5 per item for large
Please shovel out the area around your mailbox and mark your mailbox so the snowplow drivers can clearly see it and avoid damaging the mailbox. Please note that it is improper and against State of Wisconsin highway regulations to remove snow from your driveway and push it across the road. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Town replaced all the house numbers with improved signage that will make it easier to see the house numbers as you are driving the local roads. Property owners shall be responsible for the signage. In the event the signage is damaged or removed, the cost of replacement shall be borne by the property owner. The property owner shall be billed for such replacement or repair by the Town of Wayne, and shall be subject to special assessment for unpaid balances. The signs shall be displayed in such a manner as to provide immediate recognition to emergency and medical personnel, namely installed as follows: Within the road right of way (ROW), ten (10) to twenty (20) feet to the right of the driveway proper and the face of the number sign to be approximately three (3) to four (4) feet above the ground elevation at its center point. In the event the above location cannot be used, the Town Board of the Town of Wayne or its designee shall determine the proper location. If you have a problem with the location of the sign, contact a town board member.
The essence of the rural character of our town is the local farmer who works the land. Please respect the farmer’s right to farm. Don’t tailgate farm machinery on the roadways. Manure is part of livestock farming. Sometimes farmers operate their equipment late at night to plant or harvest crops, respect their industriousness and hard work.
If you want to create a new lot, you must provide access to a public road from the lot. If you want to access a town road, contact the Culvert Inspector, Kieth Kriewaldt, 262-629-9199. If you want to access a county or state road, contact Washington County Highway Department 262-335-4435.
If you want to build or improve a driveway that connects to a town road, you must contact the culvert inspector to obtain a permit. There is a fee for the safe driveway location inspection. If a culvert is required there is a culvert permit fee and you must post a culvert bond which will be returned to you after the final inspection of the culvert. The Culvert Inspector may request bonding or engineering of projects. The Town Attorney shall prepare the bonding agreement at the expense of the permit applicant; the fees for engineering and review of same shall be borne by the permit applicant. Such bonding or engineering requests may be reviewed by the Town Board.
The road right of way usually extends 33 feet in each direction from the centerline of the road. The municipality has access and responsibility for maintenance in the road right of way. The municipality will remove any objects in the right of way. Please do not place stones or other items in the road right of way above the plane of the road surface. Items above the plane of the road surface in the right of way creates a hazard for snow plowing and may damage the equipment and/or cause injury to the drivers. Farmers should not plant crops in the road right of way. Public roads should be accessed only by means of approved driveways and field entrances. If you damage the road or right of way by accessing a town road by means other than an approved driveway or field entrance you are liable for the cost of repair.
The Town of Wayne Town Board wants to remind farmers to use the designated field entrances. They are made for tractors and other heavy equipment to enter and exit the road. Any damage found to roadways due to not using field entrances will be charged back to the owner in the amount to fix the roadway.
The federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and Wisconsin state statutes requires all voters in Wisconsin municipalities to be registered in order to vote after January 1, 2006. In order to register to vote, you must provide your Wisconsin Driver’s License number or the number of your DOT issued identification card if you have one. If you do not have a Driver’s License or DOT issued identification card, you must provide the last four digits of your social security number. Please bring the appropriate documents with you when you come to vote. You must be registered in order to receive a ballot and vote. You may register at the polling place on Election Day. The polling place for the Town of Wayne is the town hall, hours, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
The My Vote Wisconsin site allows you to see your voter information, status of absentee ballot, polling place location or sample ballot (this information is available three weeks before the election). The link is as follows: https://myvote.wi.gov/.
* Massive supports such as telephone poles, heavy metal posts, concrete posts, antique farm equipment, or other similar items are prohibited. Any support must be designed so that if it is struck, it will bend or fall away from the striking vehicle to prevent severe damage to the vehicle or injury to the traveling public. If possible, all newspaper tubes and mailboxes shall be placed on the same post to avoid unnecessary posts.
* Nothing shall be attached to the mailbox, newspaper tube, or its support.
* Use of a semi-arch or extended arm-type support which allows snowplows to sweep near or under mailboxes without damaging supports is recommended.
* When newspaper tubes are used other than those provided by the newspaper, the Highway Commissioner shall have the exclusive authority to approve the newspaper tube.
* The Washington County Highway Department will repair or replace mailboxes that are physically struck by a county highway department truck, standard size and design boxes will be used. We will not repair mailboxes damaged by snow.
* Please see Washington County Code, Chapter 12.04
* Mailboxes should be mounted at a height of 41 to 45 inches from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry.
* Mailboxes should be set back 6 to 8 inches from the front face of the curb or edge of the shoulder to the mailbox door.
Wi-Fi is now available in the Town of Wayne. Contact Hiercomm Networks for more information 262-563-9362 or http://www.hiercommnetworks.com/. You will get an answering machine, leave a number where you can be contacted and they will most likely contact you in the evening hours.
In response to consumer demand for wireless communication services and requirements of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), wireless communications providers wish to establish their systems as quickly and efficiently as possible. This will result in more antennas and towers across the visual landscape. In order to provide for appropriate location and network development, to minimize adverse visual effects through careful design, sitting, co-location of providers and screening, and to maximize public safety, specific sites for wireless communication facilities may be granted by conditional use permit. If a wireless communication provider contacts you to request to install an antenna on your property, please direct them to the town board to obtain a conditional use permit for the installation of the equipment.
Town of Wayne, Washington County, WI |
2012 Annual Report |
Income |
41110 · General Property Taxes |
$221,353.70 |
005-40000 Lottery Credit |
$4,368.00 |
44200 · Dog License Fees |
$263.00 |
100-41900 Personal Property Tax |
$954.00 |
Total taxes retained by town |
$226,938.70 |
052-41800 Washington Cty Ag use Penalty |
$958.80 |
43410 · State Shared Revenues |
$20,513.58 |
103-43420 Fire Insurance Tax |
$7,082.55 |
43430 · Exempt Computer Aid |
$200.00 |
43531 · Transportation Aids |
$120,541.98 |
43545 · Recycling Grant |
$4,913.47 |
43620 · In Lieu of Taxes on State Conv |
$2,292.89 |
43650 · State pmt-Managed Forest Ld-DNR |
$108.57 |
43660 Pymt in Lieu of Taxes on Conservation lands |
$122.63 |
44100 · Liquor and Beer Licenses |
$1,296.44 |
44300 · Building Permits |
$23,613.15 |
44400 · Zoning Permits and Fees |
$2,800.00 |
105-44200 Uncle Sams fireworks permits |
$7,168.00 |
44303 · Culvert Permit Fees |
$3,550.00 |
46100 · General Government Fees |
$1,114.11 |
109-46431 Solid waste disposal |
$22,046.81 |
46750 · History Book Sales |
$180.00 |
48110 · Interest Income |
$3,819.48 |
48200 · Rental - Town Hall |
$150.00 |
113-48303 Sale of Town Equipment |
$0.00 |
113-48307 Sale of Recycling Material |
$1,876.97 |
113-48430 Ins. Recovery claim |
$559.00 |
Total Income |
$451,847.13 |
Expense |
118-51100 · Town Board |
101 Chairman Salary |
$12,000.00 |
102 Supervisor's Salary |
$12,000.00 |
103 Board of Review Salary |
$160.00 |
201 FICA Chairman |
$905.72 |
202 FICA Supervisor |
$950.64 |
210 Travel Expenses |
$48.29 |
120 Extra board meetings |
$400.00 |
51100 · Town Board other |
$50.00 |
Total 51100 · Town Board |
$26,514.65 |
118-51300 · Town Attorney |
$24,573.30 |
118-51400 · Clerk |
201 Clerk Salary |
$17,000.00 |
208 FICA |
$1,324.16 |
210 Travel expenses |
$599.99 |
215 Cont. education/conf expense |
$185.00 |
118-51401 · Office Expenses |
480 Computer software and expenses |
1,210.79 |
400 Office supplies and expenses |
554.06 |
415 Postage |
626.47 |
420 Publishing legal notices |
415.32 |
450 Dues and subscriptions |
745.00 |
Total 51401 · Office Expenses |
3,551.64 |
118-51402 · Elections |
$7,562.29 |
Total 118-51400 · Clerk |
$30,223.08 |
118-51500 · Treasurer |
501 Salaries |
$10,000.00 |
502 Treasurers assistant |
$0.00 |
505 FICA |
$807.66 |
510 Office supplies and expenses |
$715.00 |
510 Auditor |
$5,930.00 |
520 Bank Charges |
$478.35 |
515 fees to DOR |
$123.08 |
550 computer software and expenses |
$350.00 |
118-51501 · Assessor contracted service |
$9,000.00 |
Total 51500 · Treasurer |
$27,404.09 |
118-51600 · Town Hall |
603 Utilities |
$1,212.87 |
601 Misc repairs |
$388.61 |
615 FICA |
$59.25 |
660 Hall maint/supplies/septic |
$67.80 |
610 Town Hall cut grass |
$727.38 |
606 Contracted services/cleaning |
$264.00 |
Total 51600 · Town Hall |
$2,719.91 |
118-51938 · Property and Liability ins |
$11,212.00 |
118-51980 · Other Town Hall(sales tax+fees) |
$48.50 |
$122,695.53 |
120-52200 · Emergency Management |
$106,111.22 |
120-52400 · Building Inspector-contract svc |
$19,147.04 |
$125,258.26 |
122-53311 · Highway Department |
700 Part time salaries |
$20,517.77 |
701 FICA |
$1,387.80 |
702 Publishing legal notices |
$0.00 |
703 Utilities |
$3,821.20 |
704 Employee physicals |
$45.00 |
705 Garage/shop expense |
$1,082.38 |
710 Equipment repairs |
$30,694.92 |
713 Fuel |
$8,240.17 |
720 Salt and sand |
$7,659.63 |
725 Road signs |
$1,434.16 |
790 supplies/misc equipment |
$835.98 |
785 Contracted service |
$109,823.03 |
795 Unemployment Insurance |
$21.84 |
Total 53311 · Highway Department |
$185,563.88 |
122-53631 · Garbage Collection/Transfer Station |
803 · Salaries |
$4,902.00 |
804 · FICA |
$476.51 |
810 · Contracted services |
$11,385.99 |
Total 53631 · Garbage Collection/Transfer Station |
$16,764.50 |
122-53635 · Recycling |
301 Salaries |
$4,764.00 |
904 FICA |
$352.26 |
310 Contracted services |
$1,757.00 |
Total 53635 · Recycling |
$6,873.26 |
$209,201.64 |
126-55200 · Town Park |
297 Utilties |
$45.00 |
809 Park light install |
$1,598.35 |
298 Park Grass Cutting |
$532.69 |
291 FICA |
$28.12 |
Total 55200 ·Town Park |
$2,204.16 |
124-54910 · Cemetary |
360 Grass cutting |
$864.61 |
605 FICA |
$52.11 |
Total 124-54910 ·Cemetary |
$916.72 |
128-56900 · Zoning/Planning |
955 Plan salaries |
$2,680.00 |
901 FICA |
$365.83 |
950 Plan Secretary |
$400.00 |
327 Continuing Ed/conference exp |
$0.00 |
900 Supplies/misc equipment |
$35.00 |
915 Contracted service |
$2,470.00 |
Total 56900 · Zoning |
$5,950.83 |
$5,950.83 |
130-57327 Highway Building Outlay |
000 Savings for Future Equipment |
$0 |
705 · Contracted service |
$0 |
Total 53727 Highway Building Outlay |
$0 |
130-57331 Highway & Street Outlay |
650 Expenses & returned bonds |
$0 |
705 · Contracted service |
$0 |
Total 57331 Highway & Street Outlay |
$0 |
130-57420 Refuse & garbage Collection Outlay |
705 · Contracted service |
$0 |
Total 57420 Refuse & garbage Collection Outlay |
$0 |
130-57435 Recycling Outlay |
698 · supplies/misc equipment |
$0 |
Total 57435 Recycling Outlay |
$0 |
$0 |
134-59900 Other Financing Uses |
Total 59900 Other Financing Uses |
$0 |
Return of Park Fund |
$105,000 |
Total Expense |
$571,227 |
Starting Checkbook, January 1, 2012 |
$215,854.21 |
Ending Checkbook, December, 2012 |
$139,100.75 |
Funds: |
Snow Plow fund |
$50,000.00 |
Road project fund |
$30,000.00 |
Total less funds |
$59,100.75 |
Employee |
Gross Salary |
John |
Amerling |
Transfer station |
$168.00 |
David |
Beck |
Snow Plowing |
$420.57 |
Russ |
Beschta |
Plow/Cut/Garage work |
$6,767.16 |
Jeff |
Dziedzic |
Pollworker |
$292.00 |
Keith |
Ellenbecker |
Plan Commission |
$440.00 |
Jon |
Etta |
Plan Commission |
$360.00 |
Julie |
Etta |
Pollworker |
$336.66 |
Art |
Filber |
Plan Commission |
$320.00 |
Kathy |
Hawig |
Pollworker |
$40.00 |
Nick |
Hesprich |
Plan Commission |
$400.00 |
Dolores |
Kertcher |
Pollworker |
$758.50 |
Diane |
Kiel |
Chief Inspector |
$973.33 |
Carl |
Klemme |
Chairman |
$12,000.00 |
Planning commission |
$400.00 |
Board of Review |
$40.00 |
Extra board meetings |
$80.00 |
Snow Plowing |
$2,939.07 |
Gary |
Klemme |
Snow Plowing |
$2,822.08 |
Julie |
Kriewaldt |
Clerk |
$17,000.00 |
Board of Review |
$40.00 |
Extra board meetings |
$80.00 |
Cleaning |
$264.00 |
Elections & training |
$1,004.16 |
Outside mtgs & training |
$120.00 |
Planning Secretary |
$400.00 |
Kieth |
Kriewaldt |
Culvert inspector |
$375.00 |
Pollworker |
$40.00 |
Cynthia |
Kuehn |
Pollworker |
$40.00 |
Mary |
Pfieffer |
Pollworker |
$434.50 |
Mary Kay |
Rate |
Pollworker |
$954.16 |
Joe |
Rpssi |
Plowing |
$144.13 |
Ray |
Ruplinger |
Transfer station |
$4,680.00 |
Maintenance |
$1,244.94 |
Grass cutting |
$2,124.68 |
Mike |
Samann |
Supervisor |
$6,000.00 |
Board of Review |
$40.00 |
Planning Commission |
$400.00 |
Extra meetings |
$80.00 |
Matthew |
Schatz |
Shop work/cut roadway |
$4,535.32 |
Robert |
Schulteis |
Supervisor |
$6,000.00 |
PlanningCommission |
$400.00 |
Board of Review |
$40.00 |
Extra meetings |
$80.00 |
Gerald |
Schulz |
Treasurer |
$10,080.00 |
Mary Ellen |
Schulz |
Chief Inspector |
$900.83 |
Joan |
Struebing |
Transfer station |
$108.00 |
Rob |
Struebing |
Transfer station |
$4,710.00 |
Maintenance |
$1,641.50 |